Come Visit Blauparts and Ravenol live at the SEMA Show in Las Vegas
Visit with Kojan Detmeier, Paul, Huri and Jim Blau at the Ravenol Booth (#34292). If you are a repair shop or part distributor and would like to supply Ravenol products, please contact Jim Blau at the show or call (920)758-3232. The engine is built by SPIESS and Ravenol; who is a proud technic...
BAMBOO GP3 競賽報告-匈牙利
Banboo GP3團隊在德國的亨格羅林(Hungaroring)最新的勝利當中展現了自己的實力。Lewis Williamson 在大部分的環節裡保持他的步調,並且保持領先到最後一分鐘,他的最快時間紀錄被推到第2時間表。Melvillen McKee 也有一個有希望的期間,整場比賽期間運行舊的輪胎,他的速度仍然不夠快,只能排名於十名以外。 ...
2013年度最後一場著名的賽車盛事,今年在德國Essen車展成功舉行。Marvin Kirchhofer和Freddy Killensberger是德國三級方程式錦標賽中節出的優勝者。後者正式頒發RAVENOL媒體獎,而冠軍前往Ruhr區有幾個原因。此位19歲就贏得德國三級方程式錦標賽的SONAX新秀獎,並且是Deutsche Post Speed Academy 的總冠軍。
...RAVENOL Media Award goes to Yannick Mettler
A fast Swiss has won the RAVENOL Media Award in the 2012 ATS Formula 3 Cup season in superior style: Yannick Mettler was the driver who achieved the biggest print-media coverage beyond the motoring and motor-racing media. Mett...